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Mensajes - Blakhart

Top Gun 2013 - Finalizada / Hello!
15 de Julio de 2013, 17:43:00 PM
Hi there!

1. If its "international" it would be nice to see here more opponents, I hope you wont "forget" about other active il2 teams and send a lot of invitations, in other way its pointless to call winners "top guns of il2" when there was less than 16 squadrons...

2. Its summer, holiday time, it would be better to have option to register 4+ players to have 2 formal and 2+ reserve players.

3. LG joined "blind", we count on your common sense that you will use fair international duel rules and normal planeset without noob planes ( no skills needed to drive La7, I185, SpitIXc25lbs, etc ).

4. Private skins possible ?

Good luck in "building" !
